Ship brokering

we are with 5 years’ experience on this job with personnel four person marine Captain / ship pilots can supply for charterers/owners many business regarding all type of vessels with all over the world.
HIGHSEA PIONEER STAR service are unrivalled – in terms of the number and talent of our brokers, our breatdth of market coverage, geographical spread and depth of intelligence resources .
Deep Sea Tankers
We broker deals for the huge vessels that carry crude or petroleum products across the world. As truly global brokers, we handle more deep sea business than any other company. Our experienced teams have long-standing and close working relationships with all the major owners and charterers.
Dry Cargo
Dry Cargo chartering is a varied and complex market involving more than three billion tonnes of cargo each year. Our experienced team based in 15 countries acts as a vital link between charterers and shipowners who need to transport the goods required by a growing global population.
LPG and Ammonia
Operating in a rapidly evolving and complex market, our customers rely on our industry-leading LPG and Ammonia team to provide the full range of gas-related services including ship, commodity, derivative and asset broking. We also offer financial instrument broking and derivative knowledge via our regulated entity HIGHSEA PIONEER STAR
Offshore Support Vessels
Working with owners, oil and gas companies, shipyards, designers, class authorities, investors and financial institutions we bring our expertise to any project.


Ship-brokerage today is an integral part of commercial shipping. Ships are chartered everyday through ship-brokers for the carriage of cargo worldwide. Ship-brokerage firms may be found around the world. Major shipbroking centers include: London, New York, Oslo, Shanghai, HongKong, Stamford/Greenwich Connecticut, Houston, Singapore and Hamburg.

There are five major types of ship-brokers:

Ship Owner Broker– whose job is to arrange the most profitable employment of vessels that the “shipowner” owns or controls (for example time-chartered ownership), within the requirements established by the shipowner.

Charterer Broker/ Cargo Broker– whose job is to arrange the most effective transportation of the principal’s cargo and / or to find the right ship at the right price

Competitive Broker– a ship-broker that sometimes represents shipowners and sometimes charterers.

Tanker Broker – a ship-broker providing services in the energy sector.

Sale and Purchase Broker (SNP Broker)– a ship-broker who helps in the process of buying and selling of both new and secondhand ships.

Regardless of the type of broker, all ship brokers serve basic functions such as: helping the ship-broker’s principals find ships/ charterers / cargoes, being aware of the current freight market conditions and be able to forecasting the freight market as best as possible, rendering an opinion on the business credibility of a potential shipowner or charterer, assisting in the negotiations of charter parties, preparing the formal charter party once a vessel has been fixed, preparing other documents (voyage estimates, hire statements, laytime and demurrage statements), assisting in the invoicing and collection of time charter hire and voyage charter freight, deadfreight and demurrage, acting as a communication conduit between the shipowner and the charterer, facilitating the amicable resolution of disputes between the shipowner and charterer that might arise out of the charter party performance.